Understanding Jurimetry
We could not start today’s article without highlighting the important role of information within a modern and committed management in the legal area. Do you trust your intuition and that of your colleagues too much? After all, what would change if your team started to act supported by the analysis of numbers and jurimetry?
The lawyer’s work always depends on an exchange with the client, with the other parties involved and, of course, with the judge of the case. All these exchanges are full of information and possibilities. Thus, when the ball is in the lawyer’s court, it is up to him to edit new textual information, which should be attached to the file, submitted to the judge’s appreciation and made available to the opposing party to guarantee the contradictory.
The quality of this content depends directly on the experience of the lawyer responsible for the cause. However, the legal knowledge of the operator is not the only factor responsible for an impeccable petition or for a right decision: there is so much information being created in real time in the legal world that experience is not capable of capturing. After all, we live in a dynamic world where facts and even law change with great frequency.
Understanding the concept of jurimetry
How much did the judge of the case arbitrate the compensation for moral damages? Is this amount within the average? How long did the process last? What was the percentage arbitrated for sucumbential fees? This information alone does not represent much from the point of view of the office management, but it is fundamental when considered together. This is where the importance of jurimetry and technology comes in.
In general terms, jurimetry refers to the application, in the area of law, of quantitative techniques common to Statistics. As in Econometrics, Sociometry or Biometrics, the objective here is to know the practical reality of matter, which is hidden behind an essentially theoretical and abstract universe.
Judiciary is based on three prisms: legislative elaboration and public management; judicial decision and probationary instruction. From the perspective of legislators and public administrators, the technique helps to support decision making. For the judge, jurimetry can help weigh several human and social factors in light of applicable legal norms.
Statistical jurimetry applied to law
Statistics is the science that uses probabilistic theories to try to explain how often certain events occur. The goal is to observe and experiment with what appears to be random and uncertain in order to provide an estimate or prediction about future events.
Around the world, Statistics is used daily to conduct quality control tests, forecast trends and consumption behavior, electoral surveys, among many other things. In the universe of Law, in turn, it is possible to collect data from the portals of the courts on the Internet, transforming them into useful information for the management and service provision of the office.
Therefore, jurimetry depends on technological and automation tools in law firms to provide accurate results. After all, what a room full of people can’t do can be accomplished in just a few minutes by a machine and a good legal software.
How to take the first step?
The most interesting thing to talk about technology today is that all these benefits are available to anyone. That’s right: revolutionizing the management of your law firm depends exclusively on you!
As you have seen, sometimes it may even seem that Business Intelligence, Big Data and management software are tools available only to the big guys, but we can assure you that this is not what happens in practice. Small and medium offices already work with a standard of quality in providing the service, a benefit that can only be achieved with the help of a good management software focused on the legal area.
This happens, of course, due to the large quantity of products made available on the market over the last few years. There is software for all types of needs, whether in relation to functionality or value. It is important to warn, however, that the manager must use this great variety in his favor, but one must be careful not to become a victim of it. Before investing your money, make sure that you have chosen a serious supplier, capable of providing a quality service and support.
The first step to make jurimetry a great ally in the management of your law firm is to acquire a specialized management software for the legal area. With it, you will be able to centralize your processes and record all the necessary input to generate a huge database, facilitating analysis and communication with the client. Next, you need to integrate Business Intelligence, Big Data and Judiciary solutions to your platform: this is essential to process all the information that has been gathered.
What is a legal software and how can it help me?
A legal software is a platform that serves as a basis for the management of your law firm. It is a 100% digital option to store, access and work on legal documents. In short, it is as if the professionals had access to a central that integrates all the different processes of the office: the documents are stored in servers well taken care of or in the cloud, increasing security against physical risks. This is also a great request for those who want to invest in monitoring legal processes.
As the most important information of the office becomes digital, it is possible to automate a series of bureaucratic and repetitive tasks, such as the registration of the process in the system, which requires information such as district, judge, author, defendant, lawyers, value of the case, nature of the action, among others. It is also possible for bank lawyers to use the system to write petitions, since it is an intelligent tool that helps the professional in cases of repetitive processes.
Why should every law firm invest in jurimetry?
To conclude this guide, it is worth remembering that the modern consumer demands a high standard of quality in any contracted service. The so-called startups were able to prove that it is necessary to use technology to do more and better, using less resources. This is an infallible formula to survive in a market that is always disputed.
In the case of law firms, the very quality of the service provided is already confused with the quantity and quality of information that the lawyer has at his disposal at the moment representing his clients’ interests in court. In this context, knowing which legal argument is more likely to be acted upon by the courts, for example, can influence the making of a decision and make all the difference in the outcome of the judicial process.
It is important to emphasize that jurimetry is not intended to replace the experience of the lawyer, but to serve as a consultation material to complement his legal knowledge. After all, regardless of the professional’s theoretical and practical baggage, he will never be aware of all the circumstances surrounding each concrete case.
To illustrate this reality, imagine that we are faced with a case in which the court judge does not recognize the constitutionality of a certain legal device. Here, of ten requests to remove the application of the law under the argument of unconstitutionality, all ten were provided. It may be that the lawyer has never even considered the unconstitutionality of the provision, but having the knowledge that this is the opinion of the judge of the case may bring new possibilities for the client. This is just one of the benefits of jurimetry, so be sure to invest in the area.